
Dean Tennant - Off Season Training

It's been a couple months since I shot much. Last thing I shot was Project Gold and with everyone around here wrapping up exams and whatnot for the semester there aren't many riders available this time of year. I decided it was time to search out some new riders. I'd heard the name before, but had never met Dean Tennant. I shot him a message to see if he'd be interested in shooting and he responded in the affirmative.
The shoot started out with little concept. I just wanted to shoot some fast riding. We spent the morning shooting his own private trails, I went home and put together a cut that I was pretty happy with. I showed a few people and the response was less than stellar so I called up Dean and we scheduled round two of shooting for the next day.
I got little sleep that night as I put everything away except for a pencil and paper and emptied my brain out onto the sheet. I struggled to come up with ideas to make this video stand out as something a little different. This is what we came up with.

Dean Tennant: Off-Season Training from Aaron Larocque on Vimeo.

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