
Project Gold Shoot #4: Fail

Strahan and I set out on what we'd hoped to be the last shoot for our latest project. The mission for the edit is golden light. We scoped the zone about 2 weeks ago to make sure the sun would pour over the zone in all the right spots. It was all systems go until we got to the base of the mountain and a rather large cloud blew in front of the sun giving us flat bland light. We were already in it so we ventured on in hopes that we'd catch a break. We could see a gash in the cloud where we thought the sun might drop into just before sunset giving us a dramatic blast of sun for just a few minutes. As it turns out we would be correct. Gold poured through the forest directly on the section of trail we were shooting. It was unbelievable. We sprinted to our positions, I scrambled to set up my camera and tripod and while frantically mounting my camera on my tripod I watched the cloud plow over the sun leaving the forest dull and flat. We waited about half an hour for the light to return but with the clouds advancing and the sun lowering we knew we'd missed our shot. We grabbed a couple test shots in anticipation of our return. We'll get it. Enjoy the not-so-awesome shots:

project gold: fail shoot from Aaron Larocque on Vimeo.

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