
Bike Dice

Jarrett and Alan fired me a message the other day and said they wanted to shoot something. I haven't shot anything for fun recently so I was keen to do it and when I heard what they had in mind I was extra stoked. Bike Dice. Get the word out.


Anonymous said...

hey, so i dont get why you need 2 dices for this game. Please explain

Aaron said...

second dice is for when you roll a 6. 6 means you have to do a combo. the second dice decides what kind of trick you have to combo. say you roll a 6 and a 4. 6 means combo and a trick under 4 but add a combo to it. say 360 is a trick under 4 you'd have to do a 360 x up. of course these are our own rules made up by alan and jarrett. you can make use one die if you like or change the rules up however you like.